Honor Yourself: How To Stand Up to Your Inner Mean Girl Part 1

Understanding Your Inner Mean Girl
Do you ever feel like there's a critical voice inside your head that's constantly putting you down? Do you find yourself second-guessing your decisions or maybe you feel unworthy of love and success? Girl, let me tell you, you’re not alone. Almost everyone has an "inner mean girl" or "inner critic" that makes you feel small, inadequate, and unhappy. Ughhhhh!
So let’s explore more about the inner mean girl, how she develops, and why it's so important to learn how to stand up to her so she stops getting in your way! By understanding and confronting your inner mean girl, you’ll improve your self-esteem, boost your confidence, and live a happier more fulfilling life. Yessssssssssssssss! Let’s go!
What is the Inner Mean Girl?
The inner mean girl is the term I use to describe the negative self-talk that many of us experience. It's that critical voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or talented enough. You know... generally that you suck.
The inner mean girl is the voice that criticizes you, that makes you doubt yourself, compare yourself to others, and somehow you always feel like you don’t quite measure up.
Ways the Inner Mean Girl Shows Up
The inner mean girl can take many forms, including:
The perfectionist: the voice that tells you nothing you do is ever good enough, she has impossibly high standards. No matter how well you do, you always fall short
The people-pleaser: the voice that tells you to put others' needs ahead
The comparison queen: the voice that compares what you’re doing to everyone else, usually unfavorably
The drama queen: the voice that likes to blow things out of proportion, making small setbacks into major disasters, so you end up feeling helpless and overwhelmed
The victim: the voice that says you’re powerless and you’ll never be able to change you circumstances
The bully: the most aggressive and abusive of them all, she berates you, calls you names, and makes you feel worthless
Learning how to stand up to your inner mean girl is key to living a happier, more fulfilled life. It's all about taking control of your thoughts and choosing to be kinder to yourself. Here are a few reasons why it's so important to learn how to stand up to your inner mean girl:
Boosts Your Self-Confidence
When you're constantly listening to your inner mean girl, it's easy to start believing the negative things she says. This leads to a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem, which can hold you back in life. By learning to stand up to your inner mean girl and replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations and kindness, you can boost your self-confidence and start to believe in yourself again.
Improves Your Mental Health
Listening to your inner mean girl can be incredibly painful and damaging to your mental health. Which leads to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-worth. All of which can take a toll long-term on the way you feel about yourself. By learning how to stand up to your inner mean girl, you can start to break free from negative thought pat Improved self-esteem: Learning to stand up to your inner mean girl helps you build a stronger sense of self-worth and self-respect. This can lead to improved self-esteem and a greater sense of confidence in yourself.
Better Relationships
When you stand up to your inner mean girl and tell yourself you’re not going to allow her to be the voice in control, you are less likely to take negative comments or criticisms from others to heart. Why? Because you know yourself. This will help you build stronger and more positive relationships with others.
How does the inner mean girl develop?
The development of the inner mean girl begins in childhood and is often influenced by societal norms, family dynamics, and cultural expectations. Children are super vulnerable to internalizing negative messages about themselves if they experience criticism or neglect from their caregivers, parents, or loved ones.
As children grow up, they become more aware of the expectations and judgments of others, including peers and people in authoritative roles. A desire to fit in, to not be seen as "different" results in self-doubt and self-criticism.
Media and popular culture also play a role in the development of the inner mean girl. Messages about the ideal body type, beauty standards, and social status contribute to feelings of inadequacy and comparison. Young girls look to these places for ideals that they often can't live up to. Social media further exacerbates these feelings, as they often present a curated and idealized version of their lives online. One of my favorite quotes is “don’t compare your behind the scenes to someone else’s highlight reel”
In adolescence and adulthood, the inner mean girl can become particularly damaging as you face more and more pressure to succeed in school, work, and relationships. The fear of failure or rejection leads to self-sabotaging behaviors, such as procrastination or perfectionism, which can further reinforce negative self-talk.
It's important to become aware of and address your inner mean girl to prevent her from negatively impacting your self-esteem and overall well-being. Techniques such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and self-compassion can be effective in challenging negative self-talk and building a healthier relationship with yourself.
Find Your Authentic Voice
It can be challenging to hear your own authentic voice amidst the noise of the people around you, society, and social media. We are bombarded with messages telling us what to think, feel, and how to act. However, recognizing and listening to your authentic voice is crucial for our overall well-being and happiness.
Your authentic voice is your true self, your very essence, free from constraint. It's your intuition, inner wisdom, and heart. It's the voice within that knows what you truly want, what makes you happy, what lights you up, and what you need for a fulfilling life. When you hear that voice, it feels right, whole, and true.
When you don't listen to your authentic voice, you feel disconnected from yourself and your purpose. When that happens, you’re out of alignment with what matters to you: your values, goals, and desires. So when you have an achievement, it's nice, but you don't feel excited, or lit up from within because you don't feel like you're living YOUR life.
Distinguishing between your authentic voice and your inner mean girl's voice can be challenging, especially if you've been listening to the inner mean girl for a long time. But, it’s important to recognize your authentic voice.
Here are some ways to begin to notice your authentic voice versus your inner mean girl's voice:
Pay attention to the tone: The inner mean girl's voice often has a harsh or critical tone, while the authentic voice is usually gentler and more supportive. The inner mean girl may say things like "You're not good enough," while the authentic voice may say, "You did the best you could."
Notice the content: The inner mean girl's voice often focuses on criticism, fear, and self-doubt, while the authentic voice is more positive and affirming. The inner mean girl may say, "You're never going to be able to do that," while the authentic voice may say, "You have the skills and abilities to succeed."
Consider the source: Where have you heard this voice before? Has it been influenced by past experiences, societal expectations, or some other external influence? Remember, the authentic voice comes from within and is more personal and reflective of what matters to you…your values and desires
Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, making it easier to distinguish between the inner mean girl's voice and the authentic voice. When you practice mindfulness, you begin to observe your thoughts without judgment and identify which ones are out of alignment because they are coming from the inner mean girl.
Ask yourself questions: When you hear a thought or inner voice, ask yourself if it aligns with your values, desires, and goals. Does it feel true to who you are? Is it helpful or harmful? If it doesn't align with your authentic self, then it may be coming from the inner mean girl.
Seek support: Sometimes, it can be challenging to distinguish between your inner mean girl's voice and your authentic voice on our own. Seeking support from someone who knows how to work with the inner mean girl is helpful in recognizing and challenging the inner mean girl's voice and helping you to hear your authentic voice.
The Power of Self-Compassion
Practicing self-compassion helps silence your inner mean girl and cultivate a more supportive and kind inner voice. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, just as you would a good friend. Here are some examples of how self-compassion can help silence your inner mean girl:
Shift the focus from self-criticism to self-kindness: Shifting the focus can help silence your inner mean girl's voice and cultivate a more supportive inner voice. Replacing negative self-talk with self-compassionate language is important. When you hear the inner mean girl's voice telling you that you’re not good enough, you can replace this negative self-talk with self-compassionate language. For example, instead of saying, "I'm so stupid," say, "I'm doing the best I can, and that's enough."
Promote a growth mindset: Self-compassion promotes a growth mindset by recognizing that mistakes and failures are a natural part of the learning process. Rather than viewing mistakes as a personal failure, you can view them as an opportunity for growth and learning. Ask yourself, what can I learn from this experience?
Foster self-acceptance: Self-compassion fosters self-acceptance, recognizing that we are human and imperfect. When you accept ourselves as you are, flaws and all, you can move past your inner mean girl's voice and embrace a more positive and accepting inner voice. You recognize that your worth is not tied to achievements or external validation but comes from within.
Build resilience: Practicing self-compassion can help build resilience by cultivating a sense of inner strength and self-worth. When you are kind to yourself, you are better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks, knowing that you are capable and worthy of love and compassion. You are building tools to put in your toolbox to use when challenging situations arise to find a more empowering way to handle it. This resilience helps silence the inner mean girl's voice and embrace a more supportive and empowering inner voice.
Forgiving yourself for past mistakes: Your inner mean girl may bring up past mistakes or failures, causing you to feel shame or guilt. But when you're practicing self-compassion, remember it involves forgiving yourself for these mistakes and understanding that they are a natural part of the learning process.
Self-compassion is a powerful tool for silencing your inner mean girl's voice to cultivate a supportive, loving, and kind inner voice. When you shift your focus to self-kindness, promote a growth mindset, foster self-acceptance, and build resilience, you'll embrace your true self, silence your inner mean girl, and stop her from running the show.
Thank you for checking out Part 1 of "Honor Yourself: How to Stand Up to Your Inner Mean Girl." I hope you found some helpful tips on how to start cultivating self-compassion and standing up to your inner critic.
But our work is not done yet! In Part 2, we'll dive deeper into the practices that can help you strengthen your self-compassion muscle, including mindfulness, self-care, and self-forgiveness.
So, mark your calendars and make sure to come back next week for more tools and insights on how to honor yourself and silence your inner mean girl. Remember, you deserve kindness and compassion, so let's continue this journey together!